
Deleting multiple files at once

Hold the Shift key and then select the first file you want to remove, then click the last file you want to remove.

Deleting multiple files

You can select the files by using the cmd key (or ctrl key for Windows users) + click, and then right-click to delete them.

How can I select multiple files to delete at once?

There should be a box to tick at the left side of the deleted files in question through which you'd be able to mark more than one files to ...

How to delete multiple files at once in Bash on Linux?

Use a wildcard ( * ) to match multiple files. For example, the command below will delete all files with names beginning with abc.log.2012-03-.

How do I select multiple files to delete if I do not want to delete all my ...

Hold the Ctrl key and click the files you want to delete. Holding this key allows you to select multiple files at once.

Is there a way to delete multiple files efficiently?

As stated in the title, is there a better way to delete multiple files in python? Currently, I am deleting by looping through each files.

How to Select Multiple Files to Copy or Delete on Windows 1011 ...

Selecting multiple files to copy or delete in Windows 10 and Windows 11 is easy. Here are several methods to do so: Method 1: Using the ...

How to delete multiple filesfolders at once (simple, right?) HA!

Click the first one, the hold down the Ctrl key and click the last one. That selects all the files from one to the other. Then press delete.

Delete a file

Tip: You can also select more than one file to be deleted at the same time. Press and hold the CTRL key as you select multiple files to delete . To select a long list of files click the first file in the list, press and hold SHIFT, then click the las

How do you delete multiple files with the same characterletter in the ...

In Windows Explorer in the top right corner is a search bar. Go to the folder the files are in and enter *1* (without quotes) in the search ...


HoldtheShiftkeyandthenselectthefirstfileyouwanttoremove,thenclickthelastfileyouwanttoremove.,Youcanselectthefilesbyusingthecmdkey(orctrlkeyforWindowsusers)+click,andthenright-clicktodeletethem.,Thereshouldbeaboxtotickattheleftsideofthedeletedfilesinquestionthroughwhichyou'dbeabletomarkmorethanonefilesto ...,Useawildcard(*)tomatchmultiplefiles.Forexample,thecommandbelowwilldeleteallfileswithnam...